Location: India

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Jishin !!!

3AM, everything is vibrating, I get up, feels its another earthquake, say “Crap” and get back to sleep. It happens only in Japan :).
Oh my God !! Its shaking again. I am standing on road and the road feels vibrating. I am not sure if its some subway train running underground or another earthquake.
Japan get atleast 1000 earthquakes every year. Though many of them are just noticed by scientists. And anything less than 3 on Richter scale don’t even make it to the news papers.

Japanese have devised the best possible way to construct buildings that can survive earthquakes. Any other country if there is a slightest vibration, people run out of the houses / buildings but here, even if its measured about 4 on Richter scale people don’t even look up, they continue working. Nihonjins are so use to it that in case of a major earthquake instead of running out of the building they will go and try to catch the falling perfume bottles. (Wow !! confidence that building won’t collapse).
I wonder what they will do if they happen to be in a place like Lathur (during an earthquake).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

they say what can not be cured must be endured...So earthquakes are so natural to Japanese people as the killing heat waves to someone living in Thar....and when it boils down to question of survival...We hominids always come up with some great innovations like the buildings in Japan...or the hut they make in desert....

September 18, 2005 9:58 AM  
Blogger Jenifer said...

Good one Amod :)

September 21, 2005 10:01 AM  

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